Em Dash Shortcut

  1. How To Use Em Dash
  2. Em Dash Shortcut Indesign

You may want to quickly add an em dash within your text container—be it a placeholder, text box, shape, or even a table. It's very easy to add anem dash, and there is more than one way to achieve this task, although there may be some differences, and all ways may not work in the versionof PowerPoint you are using. But certainly, using one of these options, you will be able to add an em dash in PowerPoint.

En Dash Symbol – Quick Guide. To type the En Dash Symbol on Mac, press Option + – shortcut on your keyboard. For Windows users, simply press down the Alt key and type 0150 using the numeric keypad, then let go of the Alt key. These shortcuts can work on any software including MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, on both Windows and Mac. Windows tends to be a little less friendly to dash admirers, but things have gotten better with the release of its own emoji keyboard — it’s actually got a somewhat convenient shortcut for em.

We will look at four ways to add an em dash in PowerPoint:

  1. Use an Alt key combination
  2. Use the Symbol dialog box
  3. Use the Character Map
  4. Create an AutoCorrect entry

1. Use an Alt key combination


To add an em dash using an Alt key combination, follow these steps:

  1. Click in any text container object to place your insertion point, as shown in Figure 1, below.

  2. Figure 1: Place your insertion point
  3. Now hold the Alt key while you type 0151 to insert an em dash(see Figure 2, below)

  4. Figure 2: Add an em dash

2. Use the Symbol dialog box

To access the em dash character from the Symbol dialog box, follow these steps:

Em dash shortcut google docs
  1. Click in any text container object to place your insertion point, as shown in Figure 1, previously on this page.
  2. Now access the Insert tab of theRibbon,and click the Symbol button, as shown in Figure 3, below.

  3. Figure 3: Click the Symbol button
  4. This brings up the Symbol dialog box, that you can see in Figure 4, below.

  5. Figure 4: The Symbol dialog box
  6. Scroll down the preview area to find the em dash character, as can be seen highlighted in red withinFigure 4, above. You then press the Insert key, also highlighted in red to placeyour em dash in PowerPoint.
  7. Tip: Double-click any character to quickly add it to your insertion point in PowerPoint. You can double-click characters in succession,one after the other, to add multiple characters even faster this way.

3. Use the Character Map

Character Map is not an option within PowerPoint, but a small program that is built-in within Microsoft Windows. To bringup Character Map, you can bring up the Run dialog box from the Windows Start menu, as shownin Figure 5, below.

Figure 5: Bring up Character Map from the Run dialog box

Next type in 'charmap' without the quotes, as shown highlighted in red within Figure 5. Now click theOK button.

This will bring up the Character Map program, as can be seen in Figure 6, below.

Figure 6: Character Map

Cant sign into microsoft account on or pc. Now follow these steps:

  1. Click the check-box that says Advanced view, as shown highlighted in red withinFigure 6, above.
  2. This brings up more options within this dialog box, as shown in Figure 7, below.

  3. Figure 7: Advanced view in Character Map
  4. Now locate the Search for box that is highlighted in red withinFigure 7, above.
  5. Type in the character you want to use. We typed in 'em dash' without the quotes, and Character Map found the character we are lookingfor instantly, as can be seen in Figure 8, below.

  6. Figure 8: Finding an em dash
  7. Now click the Select button, highlighted in red within Figure 8, above.
  8. Now the Copy button is available, as seen highlighted in red withinFigure 9, below. You can click the Copy button, and navigate to PowerPoint or any other open application, and pasteit there.

  9. Figure 9: Copy from the Character Map

How To Use Em Dash

Sometimes, you may find that the font size of your pasted em dash character in PowerPoint may be different that the nearby text. In that case,make sure you match the font size of the text pasted.

4. Create an AutoCorrect entry

Finally, you can create an AutoCorrect entry that lets you add an em dash quickly, with a shortcut. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the File button to bring upBackstage view.Then click the Options link to bring up the PowerPoint Options dialog box that you see inFigure 10.

  2. Figure 10: PowerPoint Options
  3. Select the Proofing tab in the sidebar and click the AutoCorrect Options button, as highlighted inred within Figure 10, above.
  4. This will bring up the AutoCorrect dialog box, as shown in Figure 11, below. Select theAutoCorrect tab, and type in your shortcut in the Replace box, highlighted in redwithin Figure 11. We typed ---, that is three dashes.

  5. Figure 11: AutoCorrect dialog box
  6. In the With box, we typed in an em dash. You can use any technique, explained previously on this page to bring theem dash character in this With box, highlighted in blue in Figure 11. Next, clickthe OK button, highlighted in green.
  7. This will bring you back to the PowerPoint Options dialog box. Click the OK button.

Em Dash Shortcut Indesign

Now, whenever you type ---, PowerPoint will replace the three dashes with an em dash. In case you don't want three dashes to be replaced with anem dash, press Ctrl + Z to undo. Also, do note that any AutoCorrect entry you create will work inall Microsoft applications, such as Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.

See Also:

Add an Em Dash in PowerPoint for Mac

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