REX 5 - Environment Force for P3D v4.4+
Environment Force breaks the paradigm, with its full dynamic, real-time (on-the-fly) living environment and real-time (on-the-fly) advanced shader processor, allowing instant visual feedback. Environment Force allows a new and different approach to the environment, atmospheric and shader-related effect factors that cannot be accomplished any other way.
REX 4 - Texture Direct with Soft Clouds -...
REX 4 Texture Direct with Soft Clouds Enhanced Edition is a global environment texture utility, effects and sound enhancement add-on and takes advantage of the core features of Prepar3D while enhancing both FSX and Prepar3D. This package includes integrated REX Soft Clouds.
REX 5 - Sky Force 3D
As part of the REX 5 family of products, Sky Force 3D adds true dimension and atmospheric immersion due to its complete overhaul of the weather, texture, effects, environment audio and cloud model SDK. Compatible with Prepar3D v1, 2, 3 and 4+, FSX Steam and FSX.
WX Advantage Radar
Milviz and REX partnered up to solve the difficult challenges related to a fully functional weather radar: combining a modernized airborne radar with sophisticated digital signal processing, resulting in a superior multi-functional hazardous weather detection and avoidance system.
REX 6 - Weather Force 2020
WEATHER FORCE IS THE NEW METAR-BASED DYNAMIC REAL-TIME WEATHER ENGINE FOR MICROSOFT FLIGHT SIMULATOR. By utilizing inter-process communication with the simulator via fine granular control, you will experience automated, dynamic, and smooth weather transitions from real-world reporting metar stations. Also includes a wide range of proprietary dynamic,...
REX 5 - Worldwide Airports HD
As part of the REX 5 family of products, Worldwide Airports HD is a photo-real global airport texture graphics package created from real-world airport structures and environments. Authored from high resolution photography from real-world counterparts, this will customize and transform over 24,000+ airports. Highly detailed airport ground vehicle models...
Fs2004 Weather Addon
- Features of the WX Advantage Radar developed by REX and Milviz:
– Supports Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X, Microsoft’s Flight Simulator – Steam Edition, Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D 2.5, and up.
– Includes a simple to use Aircraft Gauge Management Tool. This tool allows you to install, edit, and remove the 2D gauge in any default or 3rd party aircraft within a flight simulator within a few simple steps. This tool includes 4 different types of 2D gauges: dark and clean, dark and dirty, grey and clean, grey and dirty. You can select which version bests represents the cockpit you are flying. The tool also includes the ability for you to easily adjust the aspect ratio, size, and location of the radar gauge prior to opening the flight simulator.
– Supports multiple screens and can be undocked and placed on a second window.
– The WX Advantage Radar can be undocked and placed on a different part of a user’s screen if running in windowed mode.
– Can be used with the default weather engines with Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X, Steam Edition, and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D.
– Can be used with any 3rd-party commercial or freeware weather engines for Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X, Steam Edition, and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D. Thus, the radar is not dependent upon an exclusive weather engine.
– Purchasing the WX Advantage Radar gives you activation for all flight simulators. You do not have to purchase a radar for each separate flight simulator.
– Includes unique cloud scan feature and precipitation sync feature so that precipitation links to where it should be. Thus, you should not experience precipitation falling outside of where the echoes indicate.
– Includes a new wet runway feature. Thus, though there may be radar echoes nearby, the runways near precipitation will be wet as in real life as if rain had fallen.
– Measures 4 levels of precipitation: green for light precipitation, yellow for moderate precipitation, red for heavy precipitation, and magenta for severe precipitation and turbulence.
– Includes a turbulence intelligence to isolate potential radar echoes that may have moderate to severe turbulence.
– Accurate representation of the effect of radar attenuation when larger more dense cells are in front of other cells – causing a rain shadow effect.
– Includes a general user manual and realistic flight operations manual.
– Includes full transmitter/receiver range up to 320 nautical miles.
– Includes full gain feature to help differentiate between weather and ground clutter.
– Includes system test/diagnosis, wx (general weather), and wx/turb (weather/turbulence) modes.
– Includes full TILT functions to analyze full scale of a storm structure in real-time.
Unlike the old radar display, 'right clicking' on a RIDGE radar image will only allow you to copy or 'save to the clipboard' the very top layer, based upon the selected overlays. In the toggle overlay section, just below the radar image, the right most selected overlay is the top image. FS2004 Free METAR Weather Program; updated version. FS2k4METAR reads worldwide METAR data for the last two hours and the worldwide radiosound (winds aloft and temperature) of the last 12 hours. These data are interpreted and transferredd via the New Weather Interface of FSUIPC to FS2004. By Markus Brunner.FS2004 Free METAR weather program UPDATED versionmade by Markus Brunner.
Fs9 Weather
Fs2004 Weather Radar Download
- The WX Advantage Radar System is a unique, advanced weather radar system that can be used with ANY third party weather engine or freeware weather engine, as well as with the built-in weather of the flight simulator. Compatible with Flight Simulator X, FSX:Steam Edition and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D.
- Only downside is that you need to make an account (free) but other than that, its a great alternative to FSX's default real-world weather feature., 10:59 PM #3 ciroanimau.